Online Backup Implementation

Bespoke ERP Software

Digital data is rapidly growing at a rate of 80% each year and 85% of businesses are not responsibly maintaining that information. Hard drive crashes, spilled drinks or accidental file deletion can occur at any time and putting the company’s future in jeopardy. Most companies that suffer significant data loss close down within 5 years. Traditional back-ups solutions can be expensive and take weeks to implement leaving businesses vulnerable to revenue and productivity loss.

Bespoke ERP Software schedules automatic back-ups which can be monitored from a single web-based admin console. The security policies are of military grade encryption using world class Data Centres for optimal data protection of business computers and servers.

Data backup helps you if you have lost or deleted individual files or data from an essentially working system. Our solution supports multiple –platform environments, making backups to be stored in a universal data format which enables you to restore to any system running on any platform. This is a huge advantage over tape systems where you generally must restore to the same operating system used for the backups.

Another advantage with our Online Backup system is that we can back up the System State which allows our software to restore all applicable System State and Active Directory information. If a transmission is paused in the middle of a backup, the software will continue to retry until a connection can be re-established and starting from where it was interrupted.

We can restore large volumes of data via mobile media – either through USB Drives or Mini-Vaults which can be transported to location for easy deployment if there is challenge with the Internet bandwidth depending on the location.